Find a Lutheran Church Near You

Whether you're on the road or looking for a church to belong to, we make it easy to find a Confessional Lutheran church near you

Photograph of a statue of Martin Luther, a German priest who initiated the Protestant Reformation through his writings

What is Lutheranism?

Lutherans are Christians who trace their heritage back to the early church of Jesus' first apostles. Together with all Christians, we worship and follow Jesus Christ. We believe that:

  • The Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God and the source of our beliefs and teachings.
  • We are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9).
  • God comes into our lives through the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. We believe that Jesus is Truly Present in the bread and wine of Holy Communion.

The name "Lutheran" comes from Martin Luther (1483-1546), a 16th century German monk who was concerned that the Church had drifted away from the truth contained in the Bible. He was an influential figure in the Reformation, a movement that sought to bring the Church back into line with Biblical teachings.

Lutheranism remains one of the largest traditions in Christianity, with nearly 80 million people worldwide. Lutherans have been in the United States since colonial times. Recently, much of the Church's growth has come from people in Africa and the Pacific Islands who have received God's word through missionary efforts.


What Does "Confessional" Mean?

Throughout history, Christians have believed that the Bible is both inspired by God and without error in its original languages.

Starting in the 1800s, some churches began to question both the inerrancy and the divine inspiration of the Bible. This paved the way for interpretations of the Bible that Christians throughout all of history would have found strange and misguided.

Confessional Lutherans believe that the Bible is just as true as it has ever been. In the churches of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and the Association of American Lutheran Churches, you'll hear the timeless, unchanging truth of God's word preached at every service.


What are Lutheran Services Like?

There are many different styles of worship in Lutheran churches.

Most Lutheran churches offer traditional worship. You'll find the order of service in a hymnal or in a printed bulletin. These services draw on a rich liturgical tradition and some of the best-loved hymns in the world.

Blended worship is also very common. The service follows a structured format but some of the songs are more contemporary. At some churches, you can follow the service on projector screens. Contemporary worship features a praise band and a modern, less-structured service.

Worship preferences are sometimes the topic of debate in Lutheran churches, but the most important thing is that we reverently and joyfully praise God.


How Do I Find a Lutheran Church?

Find a Lutheran Church is the easiest way to find a Lutheran church near you. Just put in an address, set your radius (default is 20 miles), and hit "Search."

We try to ensure that all of our listings are up-to-date, but it's smart to check the church's website and Facebook page to confirm worship service times.

Most churches have a guestbook or visitor cards that you can fill out if you want to be contacted about potentially becoming a member.

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