Christ Lutheran Church

Christ Lutheran Church

Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

10055 E 186th St
Noblesville, IN 46060-1659

Worship Schedule:

  • Sunday: 9:00 AM

Frequently Asked Questions:

What should I wear? + -

Come as you are! At most Lutheran churches, you’ll find that most people dress either “business casual” or in a suit, (for men) or in a blouse and slacks or a dress (for women).

Can I bring my kids? + -

Absolutely. Matthew 19:14 commands us to help children receive the gospel message in church. For young children, some churches provide a children’s insert in the bulletin or activities they can do if they get antsy during the service. Many churches offer Sunday school and / or a children’s sermon during the service, as well!

I've got questions. Who should I ask? + -

The best place to start is with the pastor(s). They can answer any questions you have about their church or the Lutheran tradition if you contact them by phone or email or talk to them after the service. If you have a question immediately before the service and the pastor isn’t available, ask one of the ushers.

Do I have to bring a Bible? + -

Most confessional Lutheran churches have Bible study classes, either on Sunday or on different days of the week. You’ll also find pew bibles in most churches so that you can follow along with the scripture readings. A lot of confessional Lutheran churches also print the daily readings in the bulletin. Churches equipped with projector screens also show them so you can follow along.

How do I join a Lutheran church? + -

We suggest visiting an individual church for a while to get a good feel for the congregation. Then, when you’re ready, talk to the pastor to get started. Unless you’re transferring from another church in the same synod, you’ll typically have to take some classes to learn more about the beliefs of the church. Then, once you accept, you’ll be received into the church formally as a member.

Can I take Holy Communion? + -

If you’re visiting, be sure to ask one of the elders or the pastor before the service.